BPE - Czech Republic


Erasmus+ BABBAT 2019-1-IS01-KA204-51131      
Output 01: Best practice examples (Czech Republic)

Hi, I'm Katka. In fact, I could tell the fairy tale of how an unhappy girl found her happiness. Today, I am a Career & Life Coach for individuals and Executive Coach for companies, as well as the founder and director of EMA, an education studio, established in 2015 in Poděbrady. Establishing of EMA was a crucial decision for me but I could do it only after a long time of searching for my life purpose.

My childhood and adolescence were influenced by the communist regime and strict education. Instructions, orders, prohibitions, I do not remember that I could have my opinion or "God forbid" to express it. I learned to be a "good and obedient" girl. As an adult, unknowingly, I found myself again in the role of a good girl. I tried hard in all areas of my life. At work, I worked overtime, grew my career, but the desired fulfilment or feeling of self-realization did not come. The burnout and complete collapse of the organism was just a matter of time. That was the turning point. Since then, I have learned to look at situations and myself differently but still, it was just the first lesson I needed to get from life.

Then came my marriage to an oriental man. His kindness was awakening my femininity, which I had not basically known until then. During this marriage, I went to my husband's homeland, a war zone. I had never seen so much suffering and injustice, pain, and sad stories together. After spending several months there, on the way back, I felt there was a new Katka returning home.

My attitudes and values changed significantly. I tried to integrate these experiences. I found out that despite our world seems unjust, the only way to live in peace is to be at peace with ourselves. But it wasn't always easy with my husband at the time. In the end, the relationship didn't last. I couldn't imagine that my life could be balanced again.

I asked therapists and coaches to help me set boundaries and learn self-love and kind communication with myself. Complete change of mental settings. Based on my self-experience with the coach, I decided to expand my education in andragogy. In 2005, I completed a year of systemic coaching training.

That's why I could start a new relationship then. We have been raising 3 children together in love and partnership for 15 years. I wish I could pass on the experience of my story to them. What I care most about is their self-knowledge and confidence to show their gifts to the world.

Children are the greatest teachers for me. They are the reason why I created EMA and started business in accordance with the principles of a happy life. EMA has been providing services for a specific target group for six years now and offers educational opportunities that reflect current trends and a holistic approach.

The project is based on the connection between my two passions - art and personal development. With adults, I work as a Career & Life Coach and offer coaching programs for companies. My goal is to lead people's attention inside myself and find with them their own path to happiness.

Czech version