BPE - Estonia
Erasmus+ BABBAT 2019-1-IS01-KA204-51131
Output 01: Best practice examples (Estonia)
Jelena Parfjonova, Estonia
Jelena Parfjonova is child and adolescent psychotherapist, founder of the Development Center “Academy of Childhood”. This center is famous in Tallinn because children with different cultural and social backgrounds, also with special needs and disabilities can attend it. Sharing of diversity is one of the principles of “Academy of Childhood”.
“It was my dream to build center like this, - told Jelena. – When I graduated from the Department of psychology of St.-Petersburg University and started to work in the frame of formal education, I understand that children need more creativity and freedom. And here, in non-formal setting, we can afford to work as we dreamed”.
Jelena invited to her social enterprise women in age 40+, all changed their previous professions because love children and want to work with friendly and creative people.
Since 2006 Jelena works as lecturer and trainer with unemployed. She is expert of preschool education not only in Estonia but also in other countries. During the last years she created special program for Azerbaijan. One of the important target group is in Tallinn Linnamäe litseum where high school students learn about psychology and childhood. They have opportunity to work as intern in “Academy of Childhood” and to put together theoretical knowledge with practice.
“I am interested to involve young people in the space of childhood, since teachers in our schools are now mostly in age 50+, and young people do not want to go to work in kindergartens and schools, - told Jelena, explaining that this is real challenge.
“Most of changes in my life started with my children, - continues Jelena. – When my son was born and late daughter, I opened new pages in my life. It was time to go deeper inside myself, to find what really I want to do. I became more open minded and created new pedagogical methods and activities for children that time”.
Now son is 26 years old and daughter 19, Jelena has got first grandson and new challenges – to create educational activities for children of XXI century.
“I like to be with young people. As trainer, volunteer and participant I take part in Erasmus+ youth projects, take group of youngsters abroad, work, play and live with them and I am happy that they do not mind to have me in my 50+ equal among them”, - told Jelena.
She like to challenge herself and others, to motivate herself and others. More and more people come to “Academy of Childhood” for internship, more and more cooperate with Jelena and learn how to run social enterprise, how to be social entrepreneur, how to build company where staff members, interns, parents and children are one big family.